It’s going to be a busy weekend at Annapolis Boat Rentals! Not only are we a sponsor and serving as a check-in boat for the EYC Boomerang Race, we ‘re going to be pulling double duty as the 3-mile marker for the East of Maui Eastport YC Stand-up Paddleboard Race. We are excited to be involved with both of these races and hope to participate in more of them going forward!
The EYC Boomerang Race is open to all boats of classes PHRF, Alberg 30, Multihull A&B, J/30, J/35, and J/105. It is also open to CRCA Cruising classes and CHESS. This is an overnight race and will take place this weekend: July 8th-9th. The race will begin and end in Annapolis. There will be the traditional post-race bloodies and a Grump’s breakfast at Eastport Yacht Club on the morning of the 9th. Trophies will be awarded that afternoon at a family-friendly party with free lunch for racers (the cost for friends and family is minimal) courtesy of the Annapolis Smokehouse & Tavern.
The East of Maui Eastport YC Stand-up Paddleboard Race is going to be set here in the Annapolis Harbor and the mouth of the Severn River. There will be two different courses available based on your skill level: The 6.5-7 mile Challenge is a deal for those with more experience, and the 3-3.5 mile Challenge is designed for more recreational paddlers. Unlike the past years, this race will feature a 1-mile Beginners Race and a race for kids 13 years and younger. All courses are subject to wind, chop, and boat traffic so be careful and have fun!
Events like these are what makes being apart of Annapolis’ community so much fun! We hope to participate in more of these races in the future, and we hope that you’ll come out for them too!